Blog posts

July 26, 2024
We Are Building The First of Its Kind Network

We are officially announcing that as a brand, we will be giving back 10% of all profits through our e-commerce site back to Young Adult’s Ministries. I (Jeremy, the owner),...

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The Most Important Article We Will Ever Write.

Who are we and why do we exist? Whether you are a company, a ministry, or a human being, we should be asking this very question. In this article, I’m...

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Finding Hope in the New Earth

As a Christian ambassador, you can grow the kingdom by telling others about the New Earth.

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Sharing Jesus with Others After Easter

This post helps you break the ice even when it's not Easter so you can be a confident ambassador for Christ.

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What Does WHJD Stand For?

The Problem With WWJD In 1896, Rev Charles Sheldon wrote a book titled, “In His Steps.” It quickly became popular during the Social Gospel movement of the early 19th and...

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What Is My Purpose In Life As a Christian?

Last week we talked about the difference between luck and believing in a sovereign God in our "Is Luck Real?" article. This week, we tackle a question that has plagued...

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Is Luck Real?

As an ambassador for Christ, you can show those around you that your rely on the blessing of God, not luck, for your life.

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Communicating Christ Through Your Clothing

Your Christian clothing can break down barrier so you can share Jesus Christ with those around you.

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